Suddenly the unbreakable shattered. Both of us were reaching for it when it slipped. It wasn’t supposed to happen. Neither of us anticipated it. The dish tumbled as if in slow motion, falling first to one side, then to the other, until it met the hardwood floor and shattered into a thousand pieces, scattering in all directions. We looked in silence and disbelief. She was the first to speak, saying it had something to do with the tension that’s built in, how a plate is manufactured, how the stress builds to the moment that it fractures. And a marriage ends.
Mary Wallace
19/6/2020 08:14:12 am
And a thousand pieces is just too many to fix. Sad and beautiful Jim.
Pamela Kennedy
19/6/2020 11:21:55 am
Though very sad, it's a very good story ...
Sue Clayton
20/6/2020 03:04:24 am
Was the broken dish the last straw that broke the marriage, or is this a metaphor for a broken marriage? Sad climax in both cases. Well done, Jim. Comments are closed.