She rubbed her hand briskly feeling the sting. Soon after realizing a raised welt taking on a life of its own as her skin danced below the surface. Histamines, she was having an allergic reaction and needed to take some benadryl. The distance from the deck to the bathroom wasn’t great, her hand had swollen twice the size. How could this be happening so fast? She rummaged through the medicine cabinet. A worsening pain made her look. She gasped as she watched an opening being torn through the bloated skin allowing the new hatchlings to exit from the “incubator” hand.
Linda Freudenthal
16/3/2019 09:07:19 pm
This is not fiction
Fliss Zakaszewska
19/3/2019 06:09:37 pm
Ooh, it's creepy. I like it.
Gena Pontow
21/3/2019 03:28:47 am
That made MY skin crawl. Good one. Comments are closed.