Landing (gratefully), I am not alone getting this education. Rows 5 through 8 are up to the minute.
Lucky me, beside a gaggle of young estrogen vessels. All these cake toppers have the same tanning affliction, lipstick, and engagement rings. There’s no minding if handbags are kicked into my area or a blonde tress flicked into my face. While chattering, shoes come off and bare feet are placed on the seat. I get to watch one study her heels (for dryness). One turns to me like she just realized my seat had someone in it. I interrupted the cuticle focus.
Landing (gratefully), I am not alone getting this education. Rows 5 through 8 are up to the minute.
Sue Clayton
20/6/2020 03:07:09 am
Love the term "cake toppers" to describe this girlie gaggle. Enjoyed the read.
23/6/2020 02:43:19 am
So grateful that you enjoyed it and commented, Sue. Comments are closed.