Gradually though, as I made some more headway, the storm slowly seemed to subside and soon I found myself coming to a smoother passage.
That was when I closed the book.
Enough reading for now; I must get on.
Friday Flash Fiction |
It was my fault, the warning had been very clear. But headstrong as ever I had ignored it and within only a few minutes was completely lost. As the gathering storm clouds started to rage around me, I grew increasingly fearful that I might never escape and would be doomed to wander through this scene, lost to the turbulence forever.
Gradually though, as I made some more headway, the storm slowly seemed to subside and soon I found myself coming to a smoother passage. That was when I closed the book. Enough reading for now; I must get on.
Sue Clayton
12/9/2020 02:16:47 am
Avid readers will always get lost in a storm of words.
John Cooper
12/9/2020 10:50:53 am
Thank you both for your comments.
Mary Wallace
12/9/2020 11:21:21 am
Putting a book down is always a challenge. Well done. Comments are closed.