“Do you know how to do this?” my father asked. His knife was steadily sliding between the skin and flesh of the goat. I nodded. My mouth couldn’t open, in the sight of a membrane holding the organs and intestines together. It was a really nauseating moment. “Son, if you face a challenge, just skin it ruthlessly. Finally, a treasure will appear beneath it!” The sun was gradually setting. I hadn’t made my first hunt.
Sue Clayton
31/7/2020 08:25:57 am
Yukky but enjoyable, Teddy.
Teddy Kimathi
19/9/2020 09:19:22 am
Hehe. Thanks Sue. I was just trying out my literary raw side ;)
Mary Wallace
31/7/2020 10:56:08 am
Well written.
Teddy Kimathi
19/9/2020 09:19:51 am
Thank you Mary.
31/7/2020 04:38:53 pm
Teddy, your story reminds me of a childhood summer ritual. That of watching my dad prepare the fish he caught for our dinner. Also nauseating.
Teddy Kimathi
19/9/2020 10:25:12 am
I hope your appetite was revived afterwards, as the fish aroma filled the dinner table. Well, thanks for reading and commenting on my work, Krystyna.
Swapan k Banerjee
1/8/2020 08:38:28 am
Your story touches the chord, Teddy. It's becoming increasing difficult to live in this world for a man following the dictates of conscience ...
Teddy Kimathi
19/9/2020 10:29:59 am
Very true, Swapan. Conscience is gradually fading with time.... Hope a time of consciousness re-energizing comes soon, like in the Kali Yuga cycle. Thanks for reading and commenting on my work.
Bobby Warner
2/8/2020 11:30:04 pm
A nice, rite of passage tale, well told.
Teddy Kimathi
19/9/2020 10:48:33 am
Thanks, Bobby. Comments are closed.