I see nothing but café blackness, the reflection of sad eyes. Dark circles, concentric waves radiating, bouncing off thick china walls. I see tiredness, the worn and deeply furrowed face of a septuagenarian staring back. It’s my own, I know. Still, there are faintly hopeful signs in spite of... well... everything. I tell myself, try to convince myself “this is a new day, a new beginning.” It’s a weak argument, but it’s all I’ve got... Wait a minute. Is that brightness I see? Some off-whiteness coming into my life? Yes! Or is it... damn... just the bottom of the cup.
Pamela Kennedy
25/6/2021 11:42:05 am
Those "not-so-fun" moments in life...they seem to last too long.....
Susan F. Reid
25/6/2021 12:49:58 pm
Beautifully written, Jim.
Sivan Pillai
26/6/2021 02:54:56 am
Multitudes of age-related problems! Well done, Jim.
Sue Clayton
26/6/2021 03:21:45 am
I wonder how many FFF septuagenarians just read your piece, gave a deep witting sigh then went to down their sorrow in a nice cup of tea or coffee.
Mary Wallace
26/6/2021 04:44:28 pm
When the light at the end of the tunnel means your cup is empty. Some days are just awful.😥 Comments are closed.