As he sat down to write, Don thought about the subject matter. Would there be enough to sustain a reader’s interest? The story had to be short, of course, but with enough of a hook to keep them reading. A twist at the end was a bonus, but could not always be sustained and people were, increasingly, getting jaundiced by contrived endings, especially when puns were involved. He felt readers could sense when he was building up inexorably to a punchline. But he had to knuckle down. It was Friday and he had to finish and submit this hundred-word story.
Sandra James
30/10/2020 08:22:28 am
That sounds just like me most Fridays! Well done and, yes, you did sustain this reader's interest :)
Candace Arthuria Williams
30/10/2020 01:20:32 pm
Mission accomplished. Now lighten up and have some fun like the rest of us.
Bobby Warner
30/10/2020 02:05:33 pm
Write the story. If it has an emotional impact on you, it will probably have one on the readers. At least that's what we hope will happen!
Angela Carlton
30/10/2020 02:30:13 pm
Cool, and it holds your interest! Most of us can relate to this ;)
Sue Clayton
31/10/2020 02:14:49 am
Right there with you, Jil and just think how much exercise your brain gets trying for those 100 words.
Mary Wallace
31/10/2020 05:45:50 am
The secret is to not ponder too much. Write the first line and go where it takes you. Comments are closed.