Your empty rocking chair stands at the corner of the street when, back from hospital, I step off the bus, heading for home. Down the road, our bed lies in the gutter, blankets askew, dented pillows still smelling of you. Spoons and knives and forks fall like clattering rain onto the concrete pavement while tables, tablets, plants and chairs—all the worldly goods with which we endowed each other—scatter themselves about me. A terminal sigh escapes the house and, like Picasso’s Blue Nude, it turns from the world, folds inwards, succumbs to its emptiness now that you are gone.
Pamela Kennedy
4/3/2022 10:37:23 am
Tragic topic but you captured that sense of great loss so well, Gina.
13/3/2022 02:41:45 pm
Thanks, Pamela.
Mary Anne Mc Enery
4/3/2022 01:52:14 pm
I love the phrase,,,,,,,,,,a terminal sigh.......... so apt..
13/3/2022 02:44:09 pm
Thanks for reading and commenting, Mary. I'm glad that phrase - and the story - worked worked for you.
Bobby Warner
4/3/2022 06:46:47 pm
A stark scene of despair. I felt the great sense of loss..and loneliness.
13/3/2022 02:46:42 pm
Bobby, thanks for reading and letting me know this story reached you in the way I hoped it would reach its readers.
Sue Clayton
5/3/2022 04:12:37 am
A metaphor for a home in ruins now that half of its heart is gone leaving the other half to mourn their loss.
13/3/2022 02:47:50 pm
Indeed. Thanks for reading and commenting, Sue. Comments are closed.