The world is on fire, another match is lit and someone in the street screams. A girl with braided hair, pink lip gloss stands there, stiff; eyes wide, like a bomb sits at her toes. She came here for change, for peace, they said. Bam, a red truck explodes in the night, its fragments burst up in the sky, a heavy glow. For a moment, she is still, fixated by the eerie sight. The embers are pushing-pushing-pushing up into the darkness and rise with fierce-heat, rage before she whispers, “help me.”
Paritosh Chandra Dugar
4/9/2020 06:39:48 pm
A superb word picture. Well done, Angela.
Ashley Smallwood
5/9/2020 03:09:19 am
Very good!! Keep up the good work.
Sue Clayton
5/9/2020 03:39:39 am
Great description. I could feel the heat.
5/9/2020 07:11:42 am
Excellent writing from this author. I would love to see more stories from her. The vividness of her writing is amazing. It makes you feel empathy for this young girl and want to help save her.
Mary Wallace
5/9/2020 04:58:08 pm
Well written Angela.
T Delavie
6/9/2020 12:37:36 pm
Well crafted short story! Waiting for what comes next.
10/9/2020 05:03:57 pm
Well Done, Very descriptive. I can see it in my mind's eye.
Patrick Bell
29/11/2020 02:57:11 pm
You are so talented Comments are closed.