Contributing Authors B
A little about some of our contributors. Please feel free to send us a small (45-50 words) biography (including roughly where you live) - and a photo - of yourself! Please use the Contact Form to send details.
![]() Born in Kirkcudbright, Emma Baird now lives near Glasgow. After years of working first in journalism, then working in public relations for a charity, she has now branched out as a freelance copywriter and blogger, more of which can be found at her website. She has published several novels, including the Highland series.
![]() Thomas J. Baldwin is a journalist from Dunfermline, the ancient capital of Scotland. His fiction has appeared at Daily Science Fiction, Everyday Fiction, East of the Web and in the Literary Taxidermy anthology 34 Stories.
![]() Tom Baldwin has had short fiction, articles and humour published in Britain. Originally from London, he now lives in Auckland, New Zealand.
![]() A retired geneticist and personal trainer who lives mostly by the sea in Maryland, USA, Sherri Bale writes flash, short stories, and maybe soon will finish her first novel. She lives with her husband and Jack Russell terrorist pup, Petey, who has a black spot on his cute butt (the dog, not the husband).
![]() Charlie Balfour lives in rural Herefordshire, UK, writing mildly amusing gritty fantasy and the occasional flash. Can be found in local coffee shops attempting to edit.
![]() Swapan K Banerjee is a West Bengali freelance writer specialising in literary features. He was first encouraged to write by fellow Indian author Ruskin Bond, who sent his work to Boston University Library. His books Rusty & I: Up-close with Ruskin Bond and People Who Meet People: Interviews with the Stars are available on Amazon.
![]() Originally from England but now living in Australia, Frankie Banks is a freelance writer and novelist. Her passion is writing, her lover is fiction and she finds nourishment in helping others. Read more of her words here
![]() Vincent Barry has authored numerous philosophy textbooks. His fiction has appeared in various journals in the US and abroad, most recently in Fewer than 500, Bull, and The Saint Ann’s Review. Previously, he also had plays produced at The American Place Theatre and had a residency at the Edward Albee Foundation. He currently lives in California with his wife and daughter.
![]() Jim Bartlett has been published in Fiction on the Web, The Scarlet Leaf Review, Fairlight Books, CrimeSpree Magazine, and many others; and one of his works featured in The Best of Fiction on the Web, 1996 - 2017. He lives on an island in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and golden retriever (shhh....she doesn’t know she’s a dog).
![]() Xavier Barzey is based in Trinidad and Tobago. Her two children’s ebooks entitled Colors Colors Everywhere and How Many Animals Do Your Little Eyes See? are available on Amazon. Her work has appeared in Micro Fiction Monday and Akashic Books. She is currently working on a book of short stories that brings light to the folktales in her country.
![]() Padmaja Battani lives in Connecticut with her husband and daughter, and has an MA in English Literature. Her work has appeared in Sierra Poetry Festival, Trouvaille Review, New Pages, Coffee People Zine, Bitchin' Kitsch and Black Cat Magazine. Her latest passion is hiking. She is currently working on a Poetry Collection.
![]() Robert Baum is a retired educator, magazine writer/editor, and artist. He, and his wife and love Carolyn, divide their time between the Jersey shore and the Florida gulf, USA. His recent novel, “Between the Earth and Sky by Robert Baum,” is available at
![]() Libby Belle lives in Austin, Texas, a city that thrives on weirdness - a perfect place to nurture my fertile imagination. Life is a collection of short stories, and I get a huge kick out of turning them all into fiction. She's the author of four books – so far!
![]() Cynthia Bernard is a woman in her early seventies, a long-time classroom teacher and an emerging writer of poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction. She lives with her husband, their pets, and many houseplants on a hill overlooking the ocean, about 25 miles south of San Francisco.
![]() Alex Blaine, from Lancaster in the north of England, is a graffiti artist, writer & performer whose work focuses on Dyslexia as a creative force. His paintings have been exhibited at several venues in the North-West of England. His Installation MANOFLETTERS featured at Lancaster Fun Palace Festival 2019.
![]() James Blevins studies English and Creative Writing at the College of Central Florida. He has worked for the college’s literary magazine, the campus newspaper, a local newspaper’s sports page; and a sports web page on the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey team. His short story, “For All the Bending,” appears in the 2016 Scythe Prize collection. You can read more of his work on his personal blog.
![]() A keen and distinctly amateur writer from Paignton, Devon, Kevin Bonfield has a first novel inching its way towards a conclusion. A busy builder, keen marathon runner and blogger, he dreams of his words being read by like minded souls. Follow him via Twitter or on his blog.
![]() A Navy sailor from Erie, Pennsylvania,
Matthew Borczon served in a busy Afghan combat hospital and returned with PTSD. He writes about Camp Bastion, life with PTSD, and has published 6 books of poetry, the last being the smallest coffins are the heaviest (Epic Rites Press). He is married and has 4 children. ![]() Charles Boorman is a writer, editor and translator who lives and works in Germany. Apart from writing short stories, his hobbies include photography and fishing.
![]() Indian writer Soma Bose started writing with Indian Express, Pune (1997-2000), then moved on to specialise in poetry and short stories. In addition, her book Between The Lips And A Cup of Tea is available on Amazon.
![]() Dr Antje Bothin lives in Scotland and loves writing poetry and stories. She has authored an inspirational book called Annika and the Treasure of Iceland featuring a character overcoming a communication anxiety called Selective Mutism (SM), which is available on Amazon. Find out more on her blog.
![]() Brittany A. Foy, who writes under the pen name Bretagne, was first published in 2004 in a high school anthology in San Diego, California. After having three children, returning to Australia and meeting her wife, she enrolled in a writing/editing course. A fan of Aussie Noir, crime and non fiction, she aims to become both a non-fiction and fiction writer. Find out more at her blog.
![]() Inspired by authors like Edgar Allan Poe, G. Lynn Brown has a passion for writing poetry, flash fiction and short stories. Originally from New Jersey, she currently resides near Cookeville, Tennessee.
![]() Ricky Monahan Brown’s survival memoir, Stroke: A 5% Chance of Survival was one of The Scotsman’s Scottish Books of 2019, and his novella, Little Apples, is forthcoming as part of Leamington Books’ Novella Express series. Ricky lives in Edinburgh with his wife and their son.
![]() Leah Browning is the author of three nonfiction books and six chapbooks, including Orchard City, her second chapbook of short fiction. Her work has appeared in Four Way Review, Valparaiso Fiction Review, Poetry South and elsewhere. She currently lives in California.
![]() A graduate of Teesside University with a Master's Degree in Creative Writing, Steven Bruce lives in the North East of England. His work has been published in various anthologies, magazines, and translated into Polish. His latest chapbook The Black Poems (Hunting Raven Press, 2019) can be found in bookshops in Madrid, Rome, Florence, Pisa, and Paris.
![]() Originally from California but now based in London, Thea Buen is an art consultant and sk8ter in training. When not sliding, skidding or skateboarding, she writes flash fiction, poetry, and short stories. She is currently working on her first novel, Sleep the Clock Around.
Follow her on Instagram @thea.buen ![]() Emma Burnett is a researcher and writer based in Oxford, UK. As well as academic work, she's been published in Free the Verse, Elegant Literature, Five Minute Lit, Microfiction Monday, Roi Fainéant, and Rejection Letters. In 2022, one of her stories won second place Hammond House Publishing International Literary Prize. She's on Twitter @slashnburnett.
![]() Peter Burr lives in South Florida, USA. He started writing short stories in third grade and 100-word stories more recently. A number of the latter have been published on literary websites. He credits his love of words to a phenomenal corps of secondary school English teachers.