She lifted her head from reading. “Okay, when is it and what is it?”
“A game two weeks from now. Proceeds go to summer camp for underprivileged children.”
Cheryl winced. “What kind of game?”
Cheryl’s over-the-moon disposition turned cloudy in an instant. “I don’t like baseball,” she huffed.
“Have you ever gone to a baseball game?”
“Bet you’ll like it when you know the rules. I can give you a play-by-play at the game.”
“Great,” Cheryl managed without overly wrinkling her nose.
The day of the event, Brynn picked Cheryl up from her apartment. He grinned observing her walk to his car.
“No one wears high heels to a baseball game.”
“I do.”
They sat down in a crowd of highly animated fans. A popcorn vendor yelled out his offering climbing upstairs. A young woman did the same heading downwards with a tray of canned pop.
The game started. Spectators screeched at the top of their lungs, cheering on their favourite teams.
“Way to go, Steve!” Brynn yelled out, digging into his popcorn bag. “Man, can he run. Got home base.”
“Is Steve the guy with the cute smile?” Cheryl asked.
“They’re well into the first inning,” Brynn said. “My team’s winning.”
“What’s an inning?”
Brynn glanced down at her pulling a book out of her purse. “You really need to read? Game’s getting crazy exciting.”
“If you say,” Cheryl replied, opening her book. “You didn’t answer. Is an inning opposite to an outing?”
Brynn didn’t respond. His eyes were glued to the scene on the field. His mouth opened to let out more outbursts towards his favourite players.
“Why is the infield called a diamond when it is shaped square?”
“Shhhhhh!” Brynn scolded. “Oh-h-h-h, NO-O-O-O!”
Someone sitting behind them yelled out: “Not another foul ball!”
The game went on amid loud boos.
“Why is the ball foul?” Cheryl asked, tugging Brynn’s arm. “Shouldn’t they get a substitute?”
“What is it?” he snapped. “Can’t you see I’m watching? We’re almost at the 7th inning break.”
Brynn turned his head to the side “You want to take a short walk about before the game starts again?”
To his amazement, Cheryl was no longer sitting beside him on the bleacher.
The book ‘Baseball for Dummies’ took her seat instead.