Prof. Allen was not sure how to interpret this unexpected observation. And that’s when his next-door colleague Prof. Neil Street, a world-famous sleep researcher walked into his office. Prof. Street, for his own field of expertise, used to house a group of cats, renowned for their naps at any time of the day. He immediately thought of evaluating this new molecule on a selected set of cats, thus requesting a sample. Prof. Allen was happy to oblige his colleague’s request. Over next few days, Prof. Street administered the new compound to a handful of extremely nap-sensitive cats at different times of a day, while the rest of the group followed their daily routine. After the experiments were over, the researcher involved in the study reported to Prof. Street that the drug-administered cats remained awake and alert throughout the day during the experiments, while the control cats took their usual naps.
At the end of the academic session, Prof. Street headed to his summer home in Virginia countryside where he used to maintain a farmland for the growing season. One hot summer afternoon, after a day’s labor, he started to feel fatigued and extremely sleepy. Suddenly, he remembered that this time he had brought home a small sample of that miracle molecule. Like many renowned past scientists spanning our entire human civilization, he decided to do an experiment on himself. He took a dose of the compound without worrying anything about its unknown toxicity including fatality in humans. Not only he survived, he remained awake throughout the remaining period of that long summer afternoon in south.
Thus a breakthrough medicine was born. It would find use in a section of population who has a tendency of dozing off without any warning, while riding a bicycle, driving an automobile, flying an airplane, or operating heavy machinery as well as laughing during social engagements. It improved immensely their quality of life. And along came the myth of its accidental discovery defying various well-defined scientific protocols.