Oh, man oh boy, that old rope is sure rough on the neck. I appreciate you trying to be gentle as you can. I reckon most of you boys ain't never seen a man hung, have you? It's not the prettiest sight in the world. It's gonna make you sick, you can bet, and you're gonna toss your breakfast when it starts. But you got to do what you got to do, I allow.
Sun's getting high, and that prairie wind is blowing about as hot as that old pot-bellied stove in my Uncle Sweeney's general store back home. I'd sure like a big shot of liquor and an even bigger one of water to kind of help me on my way. I'm Eternity bound, you know. Oh, thanks, son. That's good, strong stuff, but the water's a little warm for my taste. Guess beggars can't be chooser's, huh?
I tell you what. I know I'm going Up There 'cause I was saved way back yonder in my youth. And I'm a forgiving man, so soon as I walk through them Pearly Gates, I'm gonna ask that you all be forgiven, even though I guess I gave you reason enough to do it. Anyways, I don't hold no grudge. You got your cattle back, and I'm the one that's gonna pay the whopping big price.
Have I finished my piece, you ask. Guess so. Can't think of nothing else right now. Except that the sun's just about at high noon and I see you're getting ready to give my horse a smack on the rump so he'll run off and leave me dangling.
Well, I seen many a man die at the end of a rope and I always wondered what that might be like if ever I--