As soon as the poetry reading was over, Doug jumped in his car and raced straight home to do research. His heart sank deeper and deeper as he learned it was not just the civil war, and not only America that used and abused horses. Millions died during World War I and World War II, transporting ammunition and doing the kind of jobs considered too dangerous for humans.
Doug slammed his computer shut and started frantically pacing the floor. His thoughts raced as he began devising a plan to honor the beautiful creatures that gave their lives for his freedom, and to help animals still suffering today. When he discovered April 26th was National Help a Horse Day he set a goal to make a difference in the lives of horses by that date.
As an author, Doug understood the power of words, and sat down to write the story, “Horses of Valor.” He quickly submitted it to his favorite publication. He then tweeted it, posted it to Instagram and Facebook and started a GoFundMe page for the ‘Horses of the World Sanctuary.’
By the next morning, Doug’s posts had gone viral and money was pouring in from all over the world. Doug had to keep raising his targeted goal higher and higher and pinched himself to make sure it was real.
For the next few days, Doug checked the GoFundMe page obsessively, and it was at his weekly football game that he discovered he had amassed over two million dollars for the sanctuary. He pumped his fist into the air and yelled out, “Yes!”
Later that night, Doug’s friends took him out to the pub for a celebratory drink. As they made a toast to two million dollars, a lump formed in Doug’s throat. He closed his eyes and clinked his glass in victory and gratitude that his faith in humanity had been restored.