"You ornery bastard," Torrence said, shaking his fist in Brady's face. "You done seduced Lola, and you know she's my gal. I'm gonna mop up the floor with what's left of your worthless hide after I stomp you to a pulp first! Now stand up and fight."
Brady slowly lowered his glass, a sign to his two bodyguards standing casually at the bar. They silently slipped out the front door.
"Let's not disturb all these good folks in here, Torrence. Go on out front and I'll meet you there. I gotta hit the men's room, then I'll be right with you."
"You damn well better be," Torrence said, turning to leave. "You got five minutes," he said over his shoulder. "If you don't come out, I'm coming back to get you!"
Brady smiled and took another sip of beer; then the glass was empty. He waited another ten minutes until he was sure his boys had whisked Torrence away to someplace from which he would never return, then motioned the bartender to bring him another beer.
He had an hour more to kill before his date with Lola.