Unfortunate for him, attendance at lectures dwindled as the school year progressed. Students recognized his extensive knowledge, but he failed miserably in presentation.
One day at the chalkboard he glided past formulae he had written, and stumbled. Students sitting in the front row raced to assist him. School day over, he drove home baffled. How could he be so clumsy?
Entering his home, with an unintended pirouette on the rug, he realized his problem. The sole of one shoe was partially loose, flapping underneath. He knew what had to be done. The basement repair shop was waiting for the return of his shoes.
Word of the incident must’ve spread. Class attendance went up dramatically, likely due to curiosity. Perhaps sympathy. Students didn’t know why he fell and he had no intention of telling.
Another situation arose merely days later. To make room for papers on his desk, Jake pushed pens to the side. Several rolled onto the floor. He tried to reach them while on his chair. He got up and bent down from the waist with his back to the class. The pens were within his grasp.
Laughter spread throughout the classroom. Annoyed at not knowing the cause, Jake threatened the class with a detention. Peace erupted spontaneously.
He was happy to return home and be greeted by his smiling wife.
“You’re finally wearing the Santa boxers I gave you,” she exclaimed.
“How do you know?” he grunted, taking off his glue-glistening shoes.
“I can see them in the slit between your buttocks,” she chortled. “Those pants need to go.”
“But they’re my ONLY better pants!”
“I’m taking you shopping, mister. No buts! New pants, and while we’re at it, new shoes.”