About Friday Flash Fiction
Long ago, in a galaxy far away, there was LinkedIn. If you've never come across it, LinkedIn is a sort of Facebook for business people, a social media site where professionals and wannabes can exchange ideas. Some people actually make a lot of money by promoting themselves there, and a good LinkedIn profile can sometimes help you find a better job.
Most communication takes place in "Discussions". In 2013, someone casually threw out a challenge to all and sundry to post a 100-word story the following Friday. One or two did, then some more until dozens were posting regularly each Friday. Within a month or two there were thousands of stories and comments.
But LinkedIn isn't really suited to long lines of endless comments, and the discussion simply choked up the server. Worse, the person who started it all off and 'owned' the group lost interest and moved on.
The answer was to create a proper website of our own – where you are now – which would allow us to manage content better. Becoming independent also allowed new writers to find us, and hundreds from around the globe have since submitted work.
The site is sponsored by Dean Park Press, an imprint of the former small Comely Bank Publishing self-publishing Edinburgh collective. That only amounts to paying for the site hosting and providing a prize for the annual Christmas Competition and the Edinburgh Festival Competition. The real assets here are the incredible stories themselves: sad, provocative, amusing, political, even the odd erotic – there's something for everyone here. We hope you enjoy them.
Most communication takes place in "Discussions". In 2013, someone casually threw out a challenge to all and sundry to post a 100-word story the following Friday. One or two did, then some more until dozens were posting regularly each Friday. Within a month or two there were thousands of stories and comments.
But LinkedIn isn't really suited to long lines of endless comments, and the discussion simply choked up the server. Worse, the person who started it all off and 'owned' the group lost interest and moved on.
The answer was to create a proper website of our own – where you are now – which would allow us to manage content better. Becoming independent also allowed new writers to find us, and hundreds from around the globe have since submitted work.
The site is sponsored by Dean Park Press, an imprint of the former small Comely Bank Publishing self-publishing Edinburgh collective. That only amounts to paying for the site hosting and providing a prize for the annual Christmas Competition and the Edinburgh Festival Competition. The real assets here are the incredible stories themselves: sad, provocative, amusing, political, even the odd erotic – there's something for everyone here. We hope you enjoy them.