The Site Search box in the top right hand corner does amazing things. If you want to find all stories by any author, just type their name in there, or if you want to follow the progress of Alice and her cat, likewise.
At present, this site doesn't allow an option to scroll more than 25 stories at a time – you have to go to the next page for the next 25. We'd like you to have that option, though, and we're working on it. In the meantime, sorry. The archive thing on the right of the page works well if you know what month the story was posted.
You can follow us on Twitter – our account is @fridayflashfict. 40% of all of our hits come directly via Twitter – they miss out the Home Page completely.
Wordpress Blog
Traditionally, stories posted here and at the LI page above are archived at a Wordpress blog run by Russell Conover, one of FFF's original contributors. Please note however that Friday Flash Fiction has no editorial control over the Wordpress blog –
you'll have to take any problems up with Russell himself directly. We post nothing from the Wordpress blog that hasn't also been submitted to ourselves.
you'll have to take any problems up with Russell himself directly. We post nothing from the Wordpress blog that hasn't also been submitted to ourselves.
Submitting A Short Biography Of Yourself
We really like when you submit a short profile of yourself – just sent them as ordinary emails please and we'll sort it from there. A photo is brilliant, but please let us see your face – you won't be as ugly as you think you are! The other thing is that we really pnly have room for a couple of sentences, so edit them please, to 45-50 words, including a rough idea of where you live; and feel free to provide a link to your own website, LinkedIn, Facebook, or even just your email address. We'll make the link live and your readers will be able to find whatever they like about you for themselves. Please use the Contact Form to send all the details.
Occasionally, writers lose interest in Friday Flash Fiction and Unsubscribe from our mailing list. We completely respect that, but unless we hear otherwise from you, we'll assume that you'd like any Author Profile to be removed, too, and that process can't be reversed. However, we never remove your stories once published.
Occasionally, writers lose interest in Friday Flash Fiction and Unsubscribe from our mailing list. We completely respect that, but unless we hear otherwise from you, we'll assume that you'd like any Author Profile to be removed, too, and that process can't be reversed. However, we never remove your stories once published.
Feedback Requests and Appeals Against Rejection
Submitting to Friday Flash Fiction is free. However we don't accept every submission, and we don't offer any feedback. Generally, our decision is final, and our most obvious reasons are clearly described elsewhere on this website. Should you wish to appeal against rejection (non-publication) of your story or poem, we now charge a small fee. This will help to defray the costs of running Friday Flash Fiction. Should your appeal be successful your fee will be refunded. Feedback/Appeals Requests should be made here.
Contacting Friday Flash Fiction
All submissions must come via the appropriate Storybox on the submissions pages, but other enquiries, including any Author Profile information, can be submitted via the Contact Form.
Duotrope appears to be a US-based online literary agency that charges a fee to manage writers' work, while at the same time maintaining a database of potential publication opportunities to which subscribers have access. Our experience at Friday Flash Fiction has been that Duotrope will wilfully conceal opportunities, and uses "Delisting" as a threat.
Duotrope has "delisted" FFF without cause (see correspondence) and we therefore cannot currently recommend its use as an agency.
All rights are reserved to individual authors of each story, are not for resale or other inappropriate use without his or her express permission. Stories posted on Friday Flash Fiction may be submitted elsewhere but if so please do not ask us to remove them. Editing, typesetting and formatting are the copyright of Friday Flash Fiction, without in any way limiting the rights of authors to their own work. Under no circumstances may any part of any work viewable here on Friday Flash Fiction be reproduced in any form for commercial publication or for public sale, even to recover costs, without the direct and express permission of the author.