Contributing Authors M-O
A little about some of our contributors. Please feel free to send us a small (45-50 words) biography (including roughly where you live) - and a photo - of yourself! Please use the Contact Form to send details.
![]() Yasmina Din Madden lives in Iowa and her short fiction and nonfiction feature in The Masters Review: New Voices, The Idaho Review,The Jellyfish Review, Word Riot, Fiction Southeast, Hobart, Carve, and other journals. Her story "At the Dog Park" was recently shortlisted for The Masters Review Anthology: 10 Best Stories by Emerging Authors.
![]() The son of Irish immigrant parents – his father was a member of the IRA – Donal Mahoney grew up, was educated and worked in Chicago most of his life. He lives now in St. Louis, Missouri. Some of his work can be found here.
![]() Originally from India, Deepti Nalavade Mahule currently lives in California, where she develops software, feeds books to her two children, and writes short fiction. One of her short stories was highly commended in the Commonwealth Short Story Competition in 1999 and others have appeared online as well as in print. More on her website.
![]() Saaiqa Malik is a happily married mother of three, who lives in Leicester, UK. By profession she was an accountant, but after spending several years as a home maker she has decided to revisit her childhood dream and have a go at writing.
![]() S.R Malone is a writer living just outside Edinburgh, Scotland. He has been published in Synthetic Reality Magazine, 365 Tomorrows and Entropy-Squared. When not writing or reading, he likes to spend time with his family and their dog, going for walks in the Scottish wilderness.
![]() Sergio Manghina's interests span music, literature, cinema and art, particularly Goth, Cyberpunk, Dark-Ambient and Noir. Intrigued by the unexplained phenomena and the paranormal, his work has appeared in Carpe Nocturne Magazine, Hi Folks, PlayMusic and Noize Makes Enemies. Also a poet, he lives in Genoa, Italy: find more at his website.
![]() Born in Israel but now living in New York, Israela Margalit is an award-winning, critically acclaimed playwright, and TV writer, as well as an internationally renowned concert pianist, and recording artist, and now recently-published short fiction writer. Check her out on Facebook.
![]() David Margolin lives, works, and writes in Portland, Oregon. During his career as a Neurologist he has done a lot of medical/scientific writing. Now he is enjoying the relative freedom of creative writing. He has published in Five Minutes, R U Joking?, Little Old Lady Comedy, Bright Flash Literary Review, Memoir Magazine and Witcraft
![]() Dominique Margolis is a French emigrant who first arrived in the USA as a university international student with limited English skills. She currently lives in Los Angeles County, California. Her prose is published in French and recently in English. Visit her website or follow her on Twitter @dominique_1234.
![]() Cheryl Markosky wanted to be a lighthouse keeper, but became a journalist instead. Canadian-born, she splits her time between England and the Caribbean. New to flash fiction, she’s been attending workshops with Jude Higgins and Nancy Stohlman. She also writes short stories.
![]() Andy Martin is a philosophy teacher in England. He has had short stories and flash fiction published in a range of magazines and is the author of How to Write Short Stories of Love & Entanglement under the pseudonym Andy Houstoun.
![]() Michael Marrotti is an author from Pittsburgh using words instead of violence to mitigate the suffering of life in a callous world of redundancy. His primary goal is to help other people. He considers poetry to be a form of philanthropy. When not writing, he volunteers weekly at the Light Of Life homeless. Check out his blog for his latest poetry and short stories.
![]() James Maskell has taught high school English in Massachusetts for over twenty years. He writes flash, poetry and a bit of humor in the occasional downtime his career provides.
![]() Keith E Maynard landed in Tucson, Arizona as a teen (born in NY). He is now a retired educator, and currently revising a dystopian novel, writing his memoir, continuing his education, researching family history, and playing Texas Hold’em. Visit to see how his work is progressing.
![]() Barney MacFarlane, formerly of Glasgow's West End, now lives in Eastbourne, Sussex – where it's sunnier. A former full-time hack, he still writes occasional articles for Scottish Field, Aberdeen Press and Journal, Eastbourne Herald, as well as (more recently) the National Scotland newspaper.
![]() Brian Mackinney is a Drabble writer who loves the challenge of the genre. Some of his drabbles have been illustrated. Brian lives in Nottingham where his drabbles have been well received by the UNESCO City of Literature.
![]() Geraldine McCarthy lives in West Cork, Ireland. Writing short stories, flash fiction and poetry, her work has been published in The Fable Online, Incubator Journal, Seven Deadly Sins: a YA Anthology, Scarlet Leaf Review, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Every Day Fiction, Fifty Word Stories, Foxglove, Poetry Pulse, Comhar, Café Lit and Qutub Minar Review.
![]() Mary Anne Mc Enery is an Irish and Dutch citizen, a senior—who does not act her age— living in The Hague, The Nederlands. She has fun writing micro, flash fiction, and longer short stories.
![]() When Martin McConnell isn't writing speculative fiction, he's motivating other authors, stargazing, reading, or playing Kerbal Space Program. He avidly encourages everyone he meets, from his twitter feed @spottedgeckgo or his blog, to drive their own plot. Martin currently lives in Southern Missouri.
![]() V. Karen McMahon was born and raised in southwestern Virginia, recruited by the U.S. Government then transplanted to Washington, DC. but living as far out in Virginia as possible. After years of writing and editing for others, she decided to try to write for herself. See her other works at her own website.
![]() Bruce McNair is a retired systems engineer who lives in Adelaide, Australia, and enjoys reading and writing, especially short stories and flash fiction. He has over forty years of experience in fields such as software engineering and systems engineering, particularly the development of complex systems.
![]() Moira McPartlin – 'writer, walker, wife, campervaner, mother, granny' – lives in Stirlingshire, Scotland. Her novels include The Incomers (shortlisted for the Saltire Society First Book of the Year Award), and her speculative Sun Song Trilogy, set in 2089. In 2019 her play A Handful Of Glaur featured in UNESCO Cities of Literature Short Play Festival in New Zealand.
![]() Born in West London, Adrian McRobb has travelled extensively but now lives in Northumberland. Describing himself variously as a "pessimistic optimist" and "an atheist with a sneaking regard for God", he writes short stories and poetry, and lists a variety of hobbies including Victoria sponge cake and talking in lifts.
![]() Lynn Messing’s love affair with language began before she could even put two words together. She co-edited a scholarly text published by Oxford University Press. Although she has indulged in the writing of fanfic for several years, she is relatively new to writing original fiction. She currently lives in Delaware.
![]() Tammy Mezera works in security and has previous experience of work in private investigation and emergency management. She writes poetry, short stories and articles and is currently working on her first novel. She has two children and lives in a suburb of Chicago.
![]() Edinburgh based Greg Michaelson likes to write about how things aren't and how they might be. His short fiction has been published in New Writing Scotland, Valve, Takahe, The Eildon Tree and Firewords and elsewhere. In 2008 novel The Wave Singer was shortlisted for a Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust/Scottish Arts Council First Book Award.
![]() Lyn Miller lives in Edinburgh with her husband and dog. She worked as a GP for 27 years, but left in order to devote more time to writing. Her novels, Taking Medicine and A Human Condition were published in 2017 and 2019 respectively. More information about Lyn can be found at her website.
![]() David Milner finds stories when he is out and about. Or they find him. He’s glad to be a part of the FFF community. He lives in London with his wife and family.
![]() Frank C. Modica is a retired teacher living in Urbana, Illinois. His poems and prose have appeared or are forthcoming in Five Minutes, Dust Poetry, and Sheila-Na-Gig. Frank's first chapbook, What We Harvest, was nominated for an Eric Hoffer book award.
![]() Kim Kjagain Moes, of Vancouver Island, BC, dabbles in flash, micro, and poetry. She unravels everyday events finding inspiration to meet the words climbing out of her mind. On writing, she says, “Write the life we live, explore the lessons not yet learned, and then, eat catharsis for dinner.”
![]() Colorado Springs writer Traci Mullins
has more than three decades of experience in coaching, editing, and collaborating on hundreds of non-fiction books. She is currently working on unearthing the girl who used to love stories. ![]() Lynn Mundell co-edits 100wordstory, a California-based literary journal dedicated to flash fiction stories, essays, and author interviews. Her work has been published in The Sun, Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine, Blink Ink, FlashFlood, Number Eleven, and other classy places. Catch up and keep in touch with Lynn on Twitter, @lynnfmundell.
![]() Edinburgh-based Ian Murphy has wanted to be a novelist since boyhood, and continues to pursue that dream. His debut novel The Life Lived was published in 2015. Currently, he is working a second novel set in rural Scotland as well as some short fiction – when his two young children allow it.
![]() Lorraine Murphy lives in Westmeath, Ireland. Married to Brendan and mother to three taller people, she adores writing fiction and the odd (very odd) poem. Her debut novel Into The Woods, published by Inkubator Books, published in August 2022 on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. Website:
![]() Giulietta Nardone is a writer, painter and singer from Massachusetts where she lives with her husband and two frolicsome cats. Her stories have appeared in newspapers, magazines and on public radio. She is the author of Feel More Alive! 30 Brilliant Ways To Reignite Your Inner Spark.
![]() Paula Nicolson lives in West Scotland with her family and an overly chatty cat. A fomer scientist, she’s now a school librarian and runs a writing group. A published poet, short story and prize-winning flash fiction writer, she’s partial to cake, scientific stuff, zombie films and books. She blogs on Twitter and Facebook.
![]() Len Nourse was raised in South Africa, but has spent recent years mostly in the US and Australia. Today, when he's not researching the role of nutrition in the stress of ill health, he writes children's books based on nightly bedtime stories told to kids for over forty years. So far he has completed eleven books, notably the JP And Animal Detectives series.
![]() Carole Novak lives in the Midwest with her husband and two terriers. She recently graduated from Northeastern Illinois University with a BAIS degree. She now pursues her passion of freelance writing. Her focus is primarily on flash fiction. She strives to eliminate all unnecessary words.
![]() Alison Ogilvie-Holme began writing and submitting her work over the past year. She soon developed a passion for the art of the very short story. Alison lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and identical twin daughters.
![]() Laura Ogryzko lives in Glasgow with her husband and big bear of a dog. Recently graduated with an MA in English, she now hopes to continue with a PhD in Literature. She loves writing short stories and flash fiction in her spare time and really wants to draft her first novel by the time she's 30.
![]() Mariella Angela Olden, an emerging writer and biology student-journalist from the Philippines, aims to write with purpose. Her works have been featured in House of Poetry, National Flash Flood, and Hot Pot Magazine. She aspires to publish a book and seeks self-actualization. Explore more at her website.
![]() Sandra Orellana is an American living in Mexico City and spends time in San Miguel Allende. She has four years writing and her first book The Arch Of Surprises is available on Amazon . A children's book will be launched by the end of 2018 and she is working on a second adult novel. Her passions are tennis, writing and reaching out to the most in need.
![]() Pennsylvania's John O’Keefe is a scientist, trilingual translator and writer. His short stories and poems have been published in various literary magazines worldwide. You can find out more at his website. His chapbook To No End: Grotesque short stories and speculative essays is available on Amazon.
![]() Jo Oldani Osborne is a freelance writer and editor working out of The Central Valley of California. She has written for various national and international magazines and newspapers but enjoys the challenge of editing novels, etc. as a first step in getting ready for publishing. She has an Ozzie and two dogs as well as two children.
![]() Puerto Rican-born Ramon Oteiza was raised in New York City on prescribed goals of superficial status ascension. Stifled, he chose a rocky path of awareness and self-discovery leading to East Tennessee.