Contributing Authors S-V
A little about some of our contributors. Please feel free to send us a small (45-50 words) biography (including roughly where you live) - and a photo - of yourself! Please use the Contact Form to send details.
![]() Pat St. Pierre is a freelance writer for adults of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Her work has appeared most recently appeared in 50 Word Stories as well as Friday Flash Fiction. Her 3rd poetry book Full Circle has been published by Kelsay Books. Also a freelance photographer, her photos have featured both online and in print. You can find more about Pat at her blog.
![]() Cassandra O'Sullivan Sachar is an associate professor of English at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania. While most of her published pieces are educational, her creative work has appeared or is forthcoming in Adelaide Literary Magazine, The Dillydoun Review, The Dribble Drabble Review, Little Old Lady Comedy, and Merlyn’s Pen.
![]() Alex Z. Salinas lives in San Antonio, Texas. His short fiction has appeared in Every Day Fiction, Nanoism, Mystery Tribune, escarp, Pecan Grove Review, 101 Words, 101 Fiction, 121 Words, 365tomorrows, and ZeroFlash. His poetry has appeared in the San Antonio Express-News and the San Antonio Review.
![]() Curt Saltzman was born and raised in Los Angeles. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Gargoyle Magazine, Sou'wester, Atticus Review, Into the Void, Epiphany, and elsewhere. He has been nominated for the Best Small Fictions anthology. He lives in France.
![]() Michael T. Schaper is an Australian-based writer and company director who spends most of his time wrestling with the scholarly conventions of research writing and reporting, as well as board papers. A hundred word limit is just fine for him, compared to seemingly endless reams of verbose text demanded elsewhere.
![]() Bill Sells lives in Maryland with his honey, Sue, and dog, Jaybird. They enjoy kayaking, hunting for arrowheads and fossils, pickleball, bocce, croquet – and family. As well as a children's adventure novel Leaf, and counting book Count on the Chesapeake, he recently began writing flash fiction, as the short form lends time to enjoy so much else.
![]() Gautam Sen lives in Barasat, Kolkata. He has authored fiction, non-fiction, and poetry books. His story, The Underdogs, features in Prizewinning Asian Fiction (Hong Kong University Press), and his poems and stories have appeared in magazines in the USA, India, and the UK. He likes to take life easy.
![]() Tony Sharma is a freelance writer from Delhi. He wrote his first short story while waiting to meet a doctor and now regularly visits the clinic. In 2018, the César Egido Serrano Foundation appointed him Brand Ambassador for the Spanish Language for the International and the Museum of the Word. Presently, he is looking for a publisher for his short story collection.
![]() Robin Shepard lives in California’s great central valley. He has published two volumes of poetry but writes mostly prose poems and micro fictions now. He collects mid-century furniture, art, automobiles, and has a massive record collection. So far, he has resisted the temptation to get a tattoo.
![]() Catherine Shields is a writer from Miami, Florida. Her short stories have appeared in 45 Magazine Women's Literary Journal, Levitate Magazine, and Ariel Chart Literary Journal.
![]() Glasgow author Stephen Shirres is a charity fundraiser by day, writer by night. He has been published in a whole number of magazines including Far Off Places and Spontaneity and won 99 Words Horror Flash 500 competition in 2014. Check out Stephen's work at his website The Red Fleece.
![]() Shoshauna Shy lives in the USA's Midwest, and her flash fiction has recently appeared in Rathalla Review, Nixes Mate Review and FlashGlass. One of her stories was in Best Microfiction 2021, and she was one of the seven finalists for the 2021 Fish Flash Fiction Prize.
![]() Janice Siderius is a semi-retired Professor of Humanities and History in northern San Diego County where she lives with her husband, her Great Dane, Bella, and 20 avocado trees. Writing fiction is an entirely different experience from reading/writing academic materials. Her motto: Onward and Upward!
![]() Preeti Singh is a novice film writer with three films to be released soon. Apart, from that she loves to sing and play her guitar in her leisure time. She lives in India, and speaks English and French as well as her mother tongue.
![]() Adam Francis Smith claims he learned more in the halls of Chicago Public Schools than in its classrooms. Whether he writes fantasy, science fiction, horror, romance or unclassifiable, he writes about people, the things that make them human, their differences and their similarities. He'd love you to email him.
![]() Eric J. Smith has published a collection of flash fiction entitled Coffee, Steak, and Eggs: 101 Stories from the Wrong Side of Nowhere. In 2015 he released a wry memoir — Not a Bad Ride: Stories from a Boomer's Life on the Edge. Born in New Orleans, he now resides on Maryland's western shore.
![]() K.G. Song resides in Los Angeles, California, USA with his wife and a parrot. They do their best to keep K.G. out of trouble, not always successfully. He discovered the joy of creative writing, especially crafting flash fiction, during the pandemic lock down and that became his favorite hobby.
![]() J. Iner Souster is a Toronto-based visual artist. He is a painter, sculptor, and builder of musical instruments, Fauxbots and dioramas, making dresses out of metal, illustrating and mixing media. A camera is never far from reach. He is constantly experimenting with new ideas.
![]() Phyllis Souza lives in Northern California and is retired from a long real estate career. After taking several on-line writing classes, she started writing flash fiction and short stories. Her stories have been published in Café Lit, Spillwords, and Scarlet Leaf.
![]() Originally from Benin Republic, Patrice Assiongbon Sowanou has recently finished an additional Journalism course with The Writers Bureau. He is a Humanitarian World Traveller on the Africa Mercy, the world's largest hospital ship, and a journalist reporter whenever he has the opportunity. Patrice is happy discuss his work should you wish to contact him.
![]() Sanchyeta Srivastava, a native Indian, likes to quote herself as “a writer by chance”. She considers ‘the Internet’ as her writing guide. She loves to write flash fiction of various lengths and themes. She sometimes spends some moments with her blog DanCing with mY CreaTive FlaKes.
![]() Jerry Stamatelos, a native Montrealer, left Canada just as his creative nonfiction was about to be featured in the anthology Elan: A Regina Weese Collection and in the upstart Pyramid Arts & Literature Magazine. He’s now based in Athens, Greece, where he writes, produces and edits varied content materials.
![]() Siobhan Staples’ short fiction has been published in numerous magazines and anthologies, including New Writing Scotland. Short-listed for several prizes, she won first prize in the Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival. She is a Trustee for Tidelines Book Festival and lives on the Ayrshire coast.
![]() JM Subban is a writer of fiction and poetry. She is a former strategy executive, with a lifelong love of learning. She watches too much sport in her spare time and loves Sudoku and puzzles. She resides in South Africa. Follow her on Twitter.
![]() Hervé Suys, who lives in Ronse, Belgium, started writing short stories whilst recovering from a sports injury and hasn't stopped since. Currently he's shop manager in a second hand store. At least, one dream that came through.
![]() David Sydney is a physician from Pennsylvania. He has had pieces in 'Little Old Lady Comedy', 'Vine Leaves Press', '101 Words', and 'Microfiction Monday'. Then, there is also fiction in the Electronic Health Record.
![]() Allison Symes is a flash fiction/short story writer, blogger and editor based in Hampshire, England. I run writing workshops and judge story competitions. I write weekly for writers for online magazine, Chandler’s Ford Today. I write monthly on flash fiction for US-based, Mom’s Favorite Reads.
![]() Michael Talledes is a Canadian fiction writer and editor currently residing in Toronto, Ontario. No Road to Tokyo is his first complete novelette (available as a free download from Apple Books) and he is also the author of The Girl with the Pink Font. Michael is a graduate from Ryerson University where he studied Business Law.
![]() Tom McCubbin, who writes fiction under the name of Tommy Tarken, has been writing for 28 years, but only now taking it seriously. Although he currently lives in Weston, Connecticut, he's a veteran of Wall Street, Boston, Kansas City, Munich, London, and Copenhagen. During this time, he's met many characters, and has drawn on these for his forthcoming novel How White Men Steal.
![]() Don Tassone is the author of two novels and nine short story collections. His first children's book, Clara's Big Discovery, and novella, The Liberation of Jacob Novak, will be published in 2025. Don lives in Loveland, Ohio. Visit him at
![]() A Specialized Writing graduate from Temple University, Angela Taylor now resides and works in Central Florida. In addition to being a published writer and a lover of Fashion and Interior Designs, she works extensively as a business professional within the Judicial System.
![]() Brian Taylor is from a small town in Oklahoma called Jay. His fiction has been published at 101 Words. He started trying to write his own stories after reading a collection Raymond Carver stories in 2015. He's always pleasantly surprised when someone tells him they like what he's written.
![]() Noland Taylor currently resides in North Carolina. Holding a Master of Science degree, Noland aims to explore the often-unfathomable depths of the psyche. Noland has studied at over a half-dozen colleges and universities, including Penn State, Purdue, and The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.
![]() Heather Teague is a poetry and flash fiction lover studying English at Kennesaw State University, Georgia. Her work has been published in Poetry Quarterly, Haiku Journal, Three Line Poetry, and by Flash Fiction Magazine. She also enjoys writing film reviews, drawing and painting, playing the ukulele, and, of course, reading anything and everything.
![]() Laura Theis grew up in Germany and now lives in Oxford. Her work appears in Poetry, Mslexia, Rattle, Strange Horizons, Asimov's Aesthetica, etc. She received the Brian Dempsey Memorial Prize, AM Heath Prize, Oxford Brookes Poetry Prize, Mogford Prize, Hammond House International Literary Award, and an Elgin Award nomination.
![]() James Thellusson lives in London. He writes a blog about living with his 96 year old Mother and family as Man in the Middle. He won the Sandstone Prize for short fiction in April and is now working on lots of ideas. He wishes he were more focused.
![]() Moldovan-born poet, writer and anthologist Maria Tonu lives in Ontario. She is the Author of 12 books, Her works have been published in collections of poetry and journals in Moldova, Romania, Canada. The winner of several awards for both fiction and non-fiction, she completed her first novel in 2020. Find out much more about her at her website.
![]() Sarah Townley lives in Newcastle-upon-Tyne where she works as a University Administrator. She has a PhD in English Literature from the University of Nottingham and has published essays on the author, Vernon Lee. She now writes fiction and is a keen long-distance runner in her spare time.
![]() Kathleen Trocmet is a writer, poet, and artist residing in central Texas. She writes short stories and flash fiction. Her poetry continues to appear in international journals, magazines, and chapbooks online and in print. Kathleen is the creator and Editor of Scarlet Dragonfly Journal and the Format Administrator of Drifting Sands Haibun.
![]() Jane Tulloch has recently retired from the NHS and has discovered the joys of writing fiction instead of the strictly factual reports that she's had to write over the years. She lives with her husband and substantial cat in Edinburgh.
![]() Laura Turner lives in New York. She holds a degree in English Literature from Nazareth College and writes romance and women’s fiction. Her short stories and essays have appeared in Adirondack Life Magazine, Conceit Magazine, Eve Magazine, and others. She is working on her fourth novel. Follow on Instagram: @lauraturnerauthor
![]() James A. Tweedie has lived in California, Scotland, Australia, Utah, Hawaii and, most recently, in Long Beach, Washington. A poet, composer, photographer, storyteller and retired pastor, he is founder/editor of Dunecrest Press. He has published six novels, four poetry collections and one of short stories. He claims to be an optimist.
![]() D.J. Valentin is a New York City native happily living on the Connecticut coast. She is just now beginning to take her writing seriously.
![]() A Queens boy at heart, Giovanni Alfonso Valentin is a travelling writer who's settled in a small Connecticut town by the water. For now.
![]() Gretchen VanOstrand currently resides in Pennsylvania, USA. She is the former non-fiction and photography editor of Ray’s Road Review and has been published in Requiem magazine and other publications. When not writing, she enjoys bicycling, cheering on her favorite sports teams, and spending time with her family.
![]() Greg Vander-Haeghen lives in Southern California. Author of a creative non-fiction book, Why Students Love a Schizophrenic Teacher and the Chap book Urgent Renderings, he currently contributes flash fiction. He has a background in improv comedy
![]() Neha Varadharajan lives in Pune, India. Her work has appeared in The Secret Stories and Sweek Microfiction journal. In 2019, her story "Happy Ending" was shortlisted for the Sweek Microfiction Prize. A two-time winner of a student journalism award from the Times of India, she aspires to be the next JK Rowling someday.
![]() Kumar Vikrant is a doctoral student at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, studying air quality management, and the analysis and control of environmental pollution.
![]() Lois Perch Villemaire lives in Annapolis, MD. She traded technical writing for creative writing after a career in local government. She loves yoga, flash fiction, and blogging for Her stories have appeared in Potato Soup Journal, 101 Words, and The Drabble. She can be found on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @loisville.