"The essential challenge of Friday Flash Fiction is to write a fresh new story of 100 words (or just under) in time for publication that following Friday."
Andrew Siderius Memorial Contest Submissions: SHORT POETRY
Writers submitting short Friday Flash Fiction poems should use THIS page.
Please complete the form (using the Storybox below) for the stories themselves – Word attachments will not be opened.
Please complete the form (using the Storybox below) for the stories themselves – Word attachments will not be opened.
Your story must relate in some way to one of the themes:
(For further guidance on how to complete the Storybox, click here.)
By pressing Send My Poem, I verify that my submission has been written within the last 7 days and has not been previously published elsewhere.
(See top of page – simultaneous submissions, sent this week, are fine, however.)
(See top of page – simultaneous submissions, sent this week, are fine, however.)