"The essential challenge of Friday Flash Fiction is to write a fresh new story or poem in time for publication that following Friday."
Andrew Siderius (1978-2020) was the son of one of our regular Friday Flash Fiction Californian contributors, Janice Siderius, and nephew of Debi Shrimplin. A keen sportsman, traveller and foodie, Andrew died of neuroendocrine cancer early in 2020, leaving a wife and two children in addition to a wider family.
Each year around this time, Janice donates a sum of money to fund prizes in Andrew's memory. It's the one competition in the year when we run contests in all three of our categories. The prizes are: £50 for the Classic 100-word contest; and £25 for each of the longer flash and short poetry contests. You may submit one entry in each category. Entry is free, and entries close on Friday 29th March 2024. |
Each year, the Siderius family select themes to help concentrate the mind. This year, they have opted for
You entry use either, but you'll be asked to state which theme you've chosen. Judges will be asked to allow broad interpretations of these themes. Janice and Debi wish to make clear that their vision of 'compassion' is secular, not religious. (In any case, we don't allow religious proselytising.)
You entry use either, but you'll be asked to state which theme you've chosen. Judges will be asked to allow broad interpretations of these themes. Janice and Debi wish to make clear that their vision of 'compassion' is secular, not religious. (In any case, we don't allow religious proselytising.)
The 100-word contest: Six unidentified judges (they don't even know who each other is) will select one story each to form a short list. Our established Readers (over 700) will then vote for their favourite and the one with most votes will win.
The 500-word contest: winner will be chosen by the Siderius family.
The Short Poetry contest: This year, the Short Poetry Contest will operate a cut-down version of the 100-word competiton: three unidentified judges each select a poem. That will become the short list of three poems, and our reader panel will vote for the winner.
The 500-word contest: winner will be chosen by the Siderius family.
The Short Poetry contest: This year, the Short Poetry Contest will operate a cut-down version of the 100-word competiton: three unidentified judges each select a poem. That will become the short list of three poems, and our reader panel will vote for the winner.
Clicking on the relevant box below will take you to the relevant entry form.