The thundering force of the wind blew his coat aside, then flung it into the turbulent sky, and he reached into his scarlet chest and pulled forth his madly beating heart.
“Thank you for being here,” he said to the vortex of the storm, pitching his heart into the open maw of Chaos. “Feast on my heart; absorb the rest of me when I leap into space. It is your time to bring final destruction to all feeble, sinful Mankind!”
He leapt from the cliff and fell laughing into the churning storm, which greedily accepted him. His being served as a catalyst, instantly and vastly increasing the intensity and magnitude of the storm, which quickly spread inland and out across the seas and oceans until the entire world felt its wrath. The Dark One had come to sacrifice himself to the storm, so that it might grow strong enough to fulfill its purpose, and now his mission was complete.