“So Dad what are you going to do after you drop me off?” she asked.
“Well, my next stop is to donate blood at the center and then I’m headed for work,” he said.
“It sure seems like you give blood an awful lot. ''
“ I give as much and as often that they will allow me.”
“Why do you do that?”
“For two reasons.,”The first is that it helps others. Secondly,” Chuck spoke softly as a tear began to form in one eye it reminds me of when my life was saved by a blood donor and it keeps me grateful.”
“I didn’t know you were in an accident and needed blood,” she responded with a quizzical look on her face.
“No honey, I was never in an accident.”
“ Did you have some kind of disease?”
“No I didn’t have a ……. Well, yes you might say I did.Many, many years ago a very special donor gave his blood so I could have the opportunity to be delivered from that disease. He was special because he was the only one who could do it.”
“Would you say his blood was unique?”
“I’d say it was divine.”