“I could be on the wrestling team, too, you know. I can beat the shit out of both those guys. Matter of fact, I’ve done it before. It’s just that I have to work.”
“Look, this doesn’t have anything to do with wrestling or who’s tough.”
“Sure, right.”
When they arrived at the party there were already fifteen or twenty cars and trucks parked at crazy angles on the gravel, down the driveway, and around the corner out at the curb. Scott braked to a stop but made no effort to pull in or park.
“So, what’s up?”
“I changed my mind. Why don’t you go by yourself, have a really great time, and get a ride home with one of your buddies.”
June gave him what he wanted. She jumped out of his truck and started running into the trailer park. Within a half hour she was on her third beer and not long after she’d put away a six pack. After that things changed. She was mixing in the middle of a crowd talking to some people, mostly guys—some she knew and some not. She had no idea what she was talking about. Then she started drinking wine coolers and the room began spinning; she fell to her knees and then onto her back. Some guy picked her up by her armpits; some others carried her by her boots.Things were dark as she lay on a bed, and she was sure she was going to throw up. That’s all she remembered. When she woke up the house was quiet and her head throbbed. She could barely make out what seemed like morning light coming in through a torn curtain in the small bedroom. She noticed her blouse was torn and her bra was gone; her jeans and panties were pulled down over her boots, which were still on.
After a few minutes she’d gotten dressed as best she could, staggered into the kitchen, and then outside. All the vehicles were gone.