She hurriedly said, "Please, don't say anything. Just let me say what I need to say...please. This is so hard for me. I know I left you so cruelly, I didn't even answer your texts or calls, and I'll live with that regret forever. My only excuse is I was confused. I thought I found what I wanted in him... wildness, sexiness, adventure... but...I'm so stupid...I lost what I really needed...stability, normalcy, true love, a I realize it might be hard for you to forgive me totally...but if you'll give me one more chance, I swear I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you...Baby." Tears fell from her pretty blue eyes.
I looked at her, the only woman I ever loved and wanted to be with forever, just standing there on my porch in the cold night air, hurting and pouring her heart out to me. I thought about it for a few seconds and then I said what was in my heart.
"," just before I slammed and locked the door.