“What happened next?” Dr. Connor, her psychologist, asked.
“Well, I went to a Halloween party. Everyone was wearing a costume, of course. The usual—ghosts, witches, and movie characters. But one man was dressed in just a suit. I thought it was odd.”
“It is odd that someone wouldn’t wear a costume to a Halloween party.”
“Well, as is turned out, it was a costume. He’d decided to come as a politician running for election. I heard later he’d said it was the scariest thing he could think of! But at that moment—well, it triggered me! Elections are so awful now!”
“They certainly are.”
“I cracked. I went berserk. All I really remember is tossing a jack-o’-lantern at him. It was lit. Fortunately, I missed, but it made a mess! And it started a small fire. I knew at that point I needed help!”
“Many people are having problems with this election. You aren’t alone. But we can work through these issues.”
He thought for a moment of how good the election had been for his practice. The increased case load was why he’d recently been able to buy a Mercedes, instead of a Toyota. Soon, he thought happily, he’d be able to afford a luxury January cruise in the Caribbean.