One day along came a young giant, who everyone called The Giant, and started tugging on the beanstalk to pull it up by the roots. Instead, the beanstalk started to grow upward, spiraling skyward as its truck grew thicker. Naturally, this scared The Giant so badly that he ran away shouting: "I think I'll stick to devouring Englishmen!" and was never seen nor heard from again.
Meanwhile, Jack Smith was awed to find that the scrawny beanstalk that had once stood beside his house was now grown o an unbelievable height--so high, in fact, that it was growing up into a cloud.
Acting on sudden impulse (as was he wont), Jack quickly scrambled up the beanstalk--all the way to the top--which had indeed grown up through a cloud. He discovered a grand house with two stories, ten bedrooms, six full baths, a Great Room filled with TVs, computers and electronic games galore--and a roomful of beautiful girls all of whom doted on his every word.
Jack decided he liked this new abode just fine and lived there happily ever after.