Janice had many attributes and James relied heavily on her opinion, other than which way to turn or what road to take. He often kidded her about the neon sign on the living room wall (metaphorical though it may be) saying Janice Is Always Right.
Now their days took on a sense of normalcy. When they weren’t involved with the every-day aspects of life they explored new towns and areas, widening not only their knowledge, but discovering new things outside their basic comfort zone. Of course new places to eat was always high on the list, especially for James, but fun stores and shops and surprising locales and landscapes was a never-ending pleasure. A river, for example, with intense rapids running through Main Street in one town was a cause for many pictures.
In addition to loving to get lost James loved studying maps. He would often suggest a trip in a given direction, only knowing the basics and then hoping for the best.
So far things had gone well.
Janice enjoyed the adventures, as James called them, but always wondered what James was planning next.