It was a planet with no crime where everyone loved everyone else. It had beautiful sandy beaches of all the ideal colours, rivers and mountain ranges beautifully entangled according to the season. The air in the mountain ranges crisp in the summer and ideal for climbing. They would be snow covered in the cold months, ideal for snow activities.
Their research scientists had worked out all the necessary physical theories which medical scientist cold use to solve medical problems that beset earth, and physics smart engineers could use, and did use, to safely overcome transport difficulties – well there couldn’t be, and thus weren’t any on this unknown planet.
He arrived on Golden Beach thinking he was ready for everything but was immediately sized by a robot that took him to the decontamination room and decontaminated. To his dismay this process was not amenable to using thought speed. Disinfection was a biological process and thus took the time it takes on earth to undergo such a process. They knew how to do it but decontamination is a biological process, and thus not fast. It took three months for them to release Len onto that beautiful Golden Beach. His troubles then started; because looking for work his skills as good as they were on earth, were outdated for the needs of the unknown planet. He needed food now that he was no longer incarcerated and fed.
His mind then turned to thinking about theft, but on this unknown ideal planet that was not possible.
That was because in his imagination there was no crime other than begging, that even on earth, was not a crime and thus possible. So he begged and so survived. He added to these gains by caddying at the Golden Beach golf club – something he could do for the local golfers for pay. This lacked the personal pleasure his imagination promised it would be when back on earth. He started longing to be back on earth.
The problem to getting back was, he found, due to fact that his powers of imagination had dwindled. This seemingly rendered him incapable of generating thought-waves in sufficiency to be able lock into thought-speed to be able to think he was back on earth. Realization of what he could do on earth then made him realize he had to just think what he did there in his glory days, and so in a blink it came to him. He was an expert at telling kids stories. In the next few months he went to the beach after caddying and gathered kids around him, and told them stories, which they loved because this was a top skill Len had. Remember, on the unknown planet this gathering of kids would not be a crime, because there wasn’t crime. Soon, with this story telling and its needs, Len’s imaginative thoughts again were enhanced to the level where he was capable of generating thought-speed.
Enigma then reigned; stay on planet unknown, because he was now seemingly in heaven on the unknown planet, or return to earth back to his mates.
The bubble then burst and Len woke up in a sweat.