Driving down the dimly lit road, he saw a shapely woman all in white swinging her hips rhythmically as she walked. She turned and raised her thumb. He was seduced into stopping to offer her a lift. When he opened the door to beckon her in, he felt a sharp, searing pain where his fingers used to be. Speeding away in searing agony, tires screeching, to the nearest hospital, he prayed it wasn’t a crunching sound he heard from the back seat.
Susan F. Reid
16/10/2020 08:43:04 pm
Scary and shocking. Good warning for drivers who pick-up hitchhikers.
Jennifer Lai
17/10/2020 01:23:34 am
Yikes! Beware of hitchhikers. Reminds me of an episode of the Santa Clarita Diet where Drew Barrymore was munching on human teeth.
Sue Clayton
17/10/2020 03:00:14 am
Flesh eating flash fiction. Hope he didn't look back at her in the rear vision mirror and run off the road. He'd have made a good feast for the white-robed parasite. Comments are closed.