His new catering business was succeeding even beyond his hopes. Now Carlos was setting up to provide lunch for exhibitors and spectators at, of all things, a dog show.
It was an informal community show, not an official AKC function. And he was only feeding humans, not the dogs (which were very particular, he had been told). Still, it was a challenge. Carlos wasn’t really accustomed to being around dogs, although he liked them well enough.
Suddenly chaos broke out. A small creature streaked across the tables. Dishes went flying.
His staff hurried to clean up. Carlos sneezed.
Four days later, she added the following:-
Dog show II
When a cat created havoc at the community dog show, the allergic Carlos took refuge in a back room while his well-trained staff set tables to rights and mopped spilled refreshments. There was now no sign of the cat, and they assumed it had run out the open door.
Fortunately, all the dogs had been leashed or in cages. But suddenly a large black dog ran through the room and over to a window, growling. A cat jumped from behind the drapery and fled the building.
A woman hurried in. “Oh, there you are, Flora,” she said.