A mutual friend read about her on Facebook. I felt numb when I heard. Numb is too strong, I felt nothing, nothing at all. Not sadness, not regret. It was just another death. Could have been anyone. Even though she had been my first—first love, first kiss, first sex. Thirty years ago we shared every minute, every breath. I certainly had that. The memory of who we were before we became strangers. The oddest sensation was emptiness. I looked everywhere for my feelings. But they had vanished, as if they had crept out of the house in stocking feet.
Bobby Warner
30/10/2020 02:22:07 pm
Nice imagery in that last line, Jim!
Jim Woessner
30/10/2020 02:27:51 pm
Thanks, Bobby.
Swapan k Banerjee
30/10/2020 03:05:44 pm
Poetic prose, Jim. Reminiscent of Dostoevsky.
Jim Woessner
3/11/2020 04:05:13 pm
Wow, Swapan, that's heady. Thanks.
Candace Arthuria Williams
30/10/2020 03:25:33 pm
Love your closing, Jim. Great writing.
Jim Woessner
3/11/2020 04:06:59 pm
Thanks, Candace. My favorite line is: "The memory of who we were before we became strangers." I'm always amazed at how we can turn off our emotions, a part of our brains.
Sue Clayton
31/10/2020 01:03:49 am
Sad. His feeling of nothingness shows she meant everything to him. Emotional words, Jim.
Jim Woessner
3/11/2020 04:07:18 pm
Thanks, Sue.
Sivan Pillai
31/10/2020 04:07:06 am
Beautiful reminiscence of a long-forgotten love! Loved it, Jim.
Jim Woessner
3/11/2020 04:07:54 pm
Thanks, Sivan.
Mary Wallace
31/10/2020 06:11:57 am
Many things creep away from us on stockinged feet, and we are left lessened with their passing. This was a poignant little piece Jim.
Jim Woessner
3/11/2020 04:09:29 pm
Thanks, Mary. Sometimes lessened, sometimes blessed. Probably more often than not, I feel enriched by all experiences, even those that crept away from me.
Paritosh Chandra Dugar
31/10/2020 06:46:14 pm
Jim, this resonates with many of us. A superb little tale about the first love.
Jim Woessner
3/11/2020 04:13:44 pm
Thanks, Paritosh. How much nicer it would be sometimes to write fiction rather than nonfiction.
Susan F. Reid
1/11/2020 11:37:20 am
Loved the ending about feelings creeping out on stocking feet.
Jim Woessner
3/11/2020 04:14:06 pm
Thanks, Susan. Comments are closed.