When I was seven, I was accidentally poisoned when our housekeeper left cleaning fluid in a drinking cup on the counter. I was in the hospital for a week and shared a room with another little girl who was there for a chronic stomach ailment. She spooked me. She convinced me that we were both left there by our parents to die. We used to get up in the middle of the night and go to the window, looking up at the sky and the stars and pray. At some point I was released but I think she never left.
Rashna Walton
2/9/2022 10:42:27 pm
childhood memories can be the most spooky.
Sue Clayton
3/9/2022 06:45:56 am
She needed someone to share her pain and sense of abandonment.
J. H. Jones
3/9/2022 01:37:03 pm
Wow! Chilling!
Meredith Chiwenkpe Asuru
3/9/2022 11:26:02 pm
This is sad. Just wondering if you ever went back.
Paul Beckman
4/9/2022 02:11:45 am
Love spooky! 4/9/2022 05:03:50 pm
The matter-of-fact voice is perfect for this story... and that last line is devastating in its insight! Comments are closed.