It is an object of ingenuity and precision. Metals, pulled from the ground and concentrated. Meta-materials, unusual chemical combinations not found in nature. At its tip sits the heavy element, dreaming of a chain reaction. We look and see a structure built, yes, of mathematics and engineering, but deeper still, of fear and aggression. As we watch, the fuel ignites and this beautiful, wondrous thing begins its final journey. Across the planet, others of its kind are arriving at their destinations, opening flowers of unimaginable heat and fire, that, like their creators, blossom briefly, before fading from the universe forever.
William George Sells
26/6/2021 02:18:29 am
Beautifully written, sir. Scary as hell and beautifully written.
Sue Clayton
26/6/2021 02:44:20 am
I see a spaceships rocketing through the universe, burning up as they disappear into black holes, the hopes and desires of their creators lost forever.
Mary Wallace
26/6/2021 04:20:58 pm
Fleeting objects, but oh so deadly. Well written.
Shelley Kirton
2/7/2021 10:08:35 pm
Very thought provoking and beautifully written.
Jim Woessner
3/7/2021 03:31:37 am
Clearly, there is beauty, however brief, in the ultimate weapons of mass destruction. Then again, creativity typically starts with destruction. Pablo Picasso said, "Every act of creation is first an act of destruction." Comments are closed.