I closed my eyes and sank down further in the bathtub. The sleeping pills should kick in soon. I felt warm.
Friday Flash Fiction |
I slowly dip myself into the water. I always love warm water. Anything warm actually: morning tea, thick blanket, freshly dried laundry. I remembered my last batch of laundry. It smelled like warm apple cider. I gathered all the clothes in my arms and hugged them tightly right out of the drier door. I sniffed the cinnamon-apple smell and cried. Not hard, just weeping silently for a little while. I will miss that.
I closed my eyes and sank down further in the bathtub. The sleeping pills should kick in soon. I felt warm.
Sue Clayton
13/11/2020 07:44:02 am
Until enfolded in the cold heart of death. Loved your description of warmth An. Laundry smelling of warm apple cider was a great detail.
Mary Wallace
13/11/2020 01:24:36 pm
Sad little piece. Well crafted.
Susan Reid
13/11/2020 04:38:19 pm
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