7:08 AM France
She dove into the cold water.
Swam 1 mile, then 2.
But women can’t!
Mile 6, then 7.
It’s never been done!
Mile 13, then 14.
Only men can swim that distance!
Mile 20, then 21.
August 6th, 1926
9:04 PM England
Friday Flash Fiction |
August 6th, 1926
7:08 AM France She dove into the cold water. Swam 1 mile, then 2. But women can’t! Mile 6, then 7. It’s never been done! Mile 13, then 14. Only men can swim that distance! Mile 20, then 21. August 6th, 1926 9:04 PM England
Bobby Warner
18/9/2016 06:57:51 pm
An amazing feat--told in remarkably few words. Great job! Comments are closed.