“I wouldn’t do that if I were you Jane.”
“Gosh Louise, why ever not?”
“Well, you know what Annie’s like. She’s petrified of snakes.”
“Oh come on, it’s only a bit of fun. A rubber snake won’t kills her.”
Arguing with Jane was pointless. Louise knew she would have to intervene otherwise there would be trouble for sure. That night came up with a plan and went to bed feeling very satisfied with herself.
Louise woke to the sound of bird song and jumped out of bed. She quietly removed the rubber snake from Jane’s school bag. In class Jane discreetly swapped her bag with Annie’s then waited. Now she watched as Annie leaned down to open it. A frown creased her forehead but she didn’t scream or faint. This was hugely disappointing. It seemed that Annie she wasn’t scared of snakes after all.
In the quietness of the classroom a sudden high pitched scream pierced the air before Jane slumped onto the floor. No-one saw the snake slither away. No-one saw Annie leave.