Sheila breathed in the crisp autumn air as she strolled through the county park. The sunshine felt great, but the cool breeze kept her from feeling too hot. The simple motion of walking invigorated her, after she'd been sitting at her desk all morning. Her favorite music in her earbuds energized her and inspired her to kick things up a notch. She nodded and smiled at fellow walkers and runners around her, clearly enjoying the day as much as she was. Sheila felt refreshed and rejuvenated already.
Bobby Warner
3/10/2020 03:02:36 am
As a confirmed walker myself, I can easily equate to your Sheila. I can really relate to this one, Russell.
Mary Wallace
3/10/2020 04:36:17 am
Everything is better with sunshine. Nice.
Sue Clayton
3/10/2020 04:56:02 am
Fresh air and walking; no better combination to bring about a smile to share with others. Well said, Russell, and I'm off now for a walk.
Russell Conover
7/10/2020 03:11:01 am
Thanks, all, for the nice comments. I'm a big walker, myself, and find that strolls refresh and re-energize me. I appreciate your reading and your input. Comments are closed.