At the Drive-In, you bought popcorn; cola in glass bottles. We settled down beneath the screen’s glow. The movie didn’t matter. I was too busy enjoying the company.
Then the sound of my phone buzzing woke me. Still 2020. Still lockdown.
Friday Flash Fiction |
You picked me up in the Cadillac, top down, tail-fins a swathe of candy-blue above bright brake lights. I dressed for the occasion, petticoats swirling as I hurried out the door, taste of freedom on my tongue. You revved the engine, and we zipped through town, so fast the the ribbon blew out of my hair.
At the Drive-In, you bought popcorn; cola in glass bottles. We settled down beneath the screen’s glow. The movie didn’t matter. I was too busy enjoying the company. Then the sound of my phone buzzing woke me. Still 2020. Still lockdown.
Don Tassone
22/5/2020 10:06:33 pm
What a vivid dream! Well done.
Sue Clayton
23/5/2020 03:01:00 am
Nice way to dream yourself out of a pandemic. Comments are closed.