Norman’s face shines with self-satisfaction and pleasure when he pulls off his wife’s birthday surprise. But her mood darkens, face red when the same Singing Telegram from last year performs. A modest woman, pretty with golden hair, Norm teases her relentlessly reciting the most current blonde jokes along with tired one-liners featuring sex toys and used condoms. All eyes on her, he looks for her reaction when he announces her age along with a wisecrack about antique cars. A cold silence fills the room. Her second marriage has her longing for the first. Too late for a change of heart.
Lisa Miller
6/3/2019 03:04:07 am
Thank you Don and Marjan!
6/3/2019 03:16:12 pm
Another man or no man? Women have their own lives and interests to pursue; not always cater to men’s needs.
Lisa Miller
6/3/2019 10:36:42 pm
I was reaching back to my Mother's generation when you didn't get divorced as easily as you do now. It wasn't looked upon well so if you got married a second time they felt like they had to stick it out. I'm married but not afraid to be single... Comments are closed.