When I turned nineteen, I saw you again. This time I was without braces and the pigtails. And you noticed me. Our one night together was magical.
If you had lived, you would have loved our son. He has a dimple and the same beautiful blue eyes.
Friday Flash Fiction |
I remember the first time I saw you at school. For me, it was love at first sight. I was mesmerized by your blue eyes and the dimple in your chin. If you had looked my way, you would have seen an eight year old with blond-hair, pigtails and braces on her teeth.
When I turned nineteen, I saw you again. This time I was without braces and the pigtails. And you noticed me. Our one night together was magical. If you had lived, you would have loved our son. He has a dimple and the same beautiful blue eyes. Comments are closed.