She had connected with nature, finally.
She sighed in contentment, closing her eyes. This little niche was her own personal heaven, and she never wanted to leave.
Friday Flash Fiction |
She sat on the ground, speechless, her back against a tree. The summer air felt like a warm blanket against her face and arms. Birds cawed audibly, flying free just above. Jagged purplish mountains left and right reached for the sky as if yearning for an escape. The red ball of light hovered just above the water, creating a mirror-like reflection. The surrounding orange sky was streaked with rays of yellow and gold.
She had connected with nature, finally. She sighed in contentment, closing her eyes. This little niche was her own personal heaven, and she never wanted to leave.
Bobby Warner
3/1/2016 09:40:12 pm
Good going, Russell. Reading over this, I want to sit down and relax and try to visualize what you have described. Great to do meditation exercises with! Ever thought about teaching Yoga relaxation/meditation techniques? Comments are closed.