I am telling a mother about a space ship that is reportedly hovering over some convenient plane in Arizona. It is a gargantuan upside down cliff with a metaphysical time travelling shoot from there to here. ‘Talk of probes!’ And it is changing the ecological biosphere forever. ‘A freak...fucking great storm with tornadoes and lightning,’ I almost shout in her ear. But she is not interested. Intermittently she is texting her husband; a worrisome communication about their son and whether he will once again be rude to her when she picks him up from school.
Bobby Warner
5/9/2018 10:28:59 pm
Texting has invaded even the realm of gargantuan space probes! Timely!!!???
emma h
5/10/2018 05:57:06 am
Thank you for your comment. Nothing is more important that worrisome texting.
12/9/2018 10:27:44 pm
I enjoyed this
Emma h
5/10/2018 05:57:50 am
Thanks! Comments are closed.