Feeling claustrophobic as they looked down on me from above, I could stand no more. Terrorised, I turned to flee the store via the exit lift.
My blood froze. The route was barred.
"Not so fast," they said. "Trick or treat?"
Friday Flash Fiction |
A day or two early this week, in honour of the occasion. Everywhere I turned there were reminders of Halloween. Piled high on supermarket shelves were witches' costumes, pumpkins, ghostly effigies, scary cats, skeletons, spiders' webs, plastic eyeballs and other dismembered body parts. An entire row was devoted to bags of chocolate bars and sweets for the annual festival where children are permitted to demand goods with menaces from unsuspecting neighbours.
Feeling claustrophobic as they looked down on me from above, I could stand no more. Terrorised, I turned to flee the store via the exit lift. My blood froze. The route was barred. "Not so fast," they said. "Trick or treat?"
Don Tassone
31/10/2018 02:23:54 pm
Excellent warm-up for tonight's ghosts and goblins. Thanks, Gordon!
David Erdey
1/11/2018 07:00:20 pm
Nice, Gordon :)
Amanda Burchell
11/11/2018 07:26:32 pm
Fun story with a good accompanying picture! Comments are closed.