She was in her early twenties, barefoot, wearing a floppy hat and a periwinkle skirt that trailed behind in the water. On the beach she stooped to pick up a shell. Long brown hair fell from her shoulders and hid her face. I whispered my desire that she hold the pose forever, and snapped a photo in my mind. Even then, the image was a bit abstract and slightly out-of-focus. I’ve kept it all these years in a file labeled “Someday A Painting.” It has since faded, and the painting never materialized. But no matter. I look at it often.
Swapan k Banerjee
2/10/2020 09:41:29 am
A perfect freeze-frame, Jim.
Jim Woessner
3/10/2020 06:28:02 am
Thanks, Swapan.
Pamela Kennedy
2/10/2020 10:28:36 pm
What a pretty story about a beautiful memory..
Jim Woessner
3/10/2020 06:28:23 am
Thanks so much, Pamela.
Ed N. White
3/10/2020 01:36:49 am
The power of imagination. That's what keeps us going. Nice piece, Jim
Jim Woessner
3/10/2020 06:28:45 am
Lovely comment, Ed. Thanks.
Sue Clayton
3/10/2020 04:10:02 am
Jim, your words created a painting not only in his/her mind but in the eyes of your readers.
Jim Woessner
3/10/2020 06:29:06 am
Much appreciated, Sue.
Mary Wallace
3/10/2020 05:27:38 am
Those snapshots of life we have tucked away in our memories are what makes us unique. A treasured glimpse of a special day. Lovely.
Jim Woessner
3/10/2020 06:29:35 am
Thanks so much, Mary. I always appreciate your comments.
Teddy Kimathi
4/10/2020 01:10:00 pm
A perfect way of expressing how we desperately try to save images of splendor, even when our memories fail us. Enjoyed your work, Jim.
Jim Woessner
5/10/2020 01:50:37 am
Thanks, Teddy. I appreciate the kind words. Comments are closed.