Rain hammers against the window, relentless, just as his blows had rained down on her, not so long ago. She sits and watches the drops form into rivulets that slide down the glass, miniature streams that zig this way and zag that way. She refuses to look at him, as his anger spreads out on the kitchen floor, a scarlet diffusion of his rage. The knife sits in her lap, still coated in the stuff of him. Outside, the storm obliterates the world from sight, just as her future, once so clear, now vanishes into the tempest.
28/4/2023 02:02:37 pm
All the emotion, metaphor and imagery are there - and strong.
JD Clapp
28/4/2023 02:42:46 pm
Powerful piece! Well done!
G. Lynn Brown
28/4/2023 05:09:19 pm
Wow! Great imagery...
Rashna Tessa Walton
29/4/2023 03:10:30 am
Very powerful. I particularly liked - a scarlet diffusion of his rage.
Sue Clayton
30/4/2023 03:17:19 am
Good for her, and hopefully she can weather the judicial storm that is about to rain down on her.
David Lowis
30/4/2023 04:05:19 pm
Great descriptive language. Powerful piece. Comments are closed.