Their arguments have grown stale, pitiful and in vain. She's made up her mind. Her choice, not his. The child will live. It will be hers.
She continues rolling her clothes in neat little packages, leaving the smells and sounds behind
Friday Flash Fiction |
Music blares, reverberating through the rooms, propelled by instruments not meant to soothe the soul. His choice as always. Same old, same old. The odor of the sole they ate last night wafts through the house, stinks of resentment. The morning's rays strike her hands, wrinkled paper, proof that this is her last chance for something precious
Their arguments have grown stale, pitiful and in vain. She's made up her mind. Her choice, not his. The child will live. It will be hers. She continues rolling her clothes in neat little packages, leaving the smells and sounds behind
Nicky Johnson
20/7/2019 01:49:18 am
Well written, strong story.
stella murovic
21/8/2019 06:02:11 pm
Thank you for taking the time to read this from a newbie writer
Kim Favors
20/7/2019 02:12:00 am
I keep rereading this. It's almost like a dream, allowing me to visualize the scenes. Well done.
Mary Wallace
20/7/2019 04:02:46 am
Really well written. Well done Stella.
MaryEllen Carr
26/7/2019 11:41:05 am
"The odor of the sole they ate last night wafts through the house, stinks of resentment." Loved this sentence.
stella murovic
21/8/2019 06:01:34 pm
thank you for taking the time to read this.
20/8/2019 06:22:42 pm
Read it a few times, many layers and rich vocabulary - yet such sadness - that I FEEL - I guess it seeps through our personal lives...
21/8/2019 03:51:11 pm
'music blares' creates immediate tension. 'the child will live' echoes in the mind. Gripping! Bravo Stella!
stella murovic
21/8/2019 06:01:01 pm
thank you my friend for taking the time to read this. Comments are closed.