It would happen now, or not at all. If it happened, she would become a conduit into another space, a gateway for those in need.
She opened her door to a thin, deeply tanned man, then put on a jacket and followed him down the dirt path to a wood-framed house. Inside, there were high-backed chairs grouped around a scarred wooden table. The room was lit by white candles lining the windows. She nodded to those in the room as everyone found a place to sit at the table and then placed their hands palms down on the table top.
It would happen now, or not at all. If it happened, she would become a conduit into another space, a gateway for those in need.
Sue Clayton
24/6/2023 07:38:30 am
Let's hope the spirits were waiting to open the gate.
Paul Freeman
24/6/2023 07:58:55 am
Great build up leaving us wondering what happened next.
Rashna Tessa Walton
24/6/2023 09:14:03 am
Great atmospheric build up.
Bruce Gunther
26/6/2023 07:47:51 pm
Love it...I, too, really liked the build-up. Comments are closed.