She hears a horn, looks up. It’s the bus. Young Rory, he pulls in. Great he says I was waiting for old Marie – George told me to look out for you! Mairead is at the back, mask on, waving. Gaudy thinks Maggie.
Friday Flash Fiction |
Maggie bustled along squinting in the sun. No sign, she’s only three minutes late. George usually waits. Probably one of the young ones, they think it’s a race. She had to run back for her mask, no way to get to Inverness today. She’s exhausted with Covid, everything’s a strain. Might as well walk home the long way.
She hears a horn, looks up. It’s the bus. Young Rory, he pulls in. Great he says I was waiting for old Marie – George told me to look out for you! Mairead is at the back, mask on, waving. Gaudy thinks Maggie. Comments are closed.